Thursday, June 17, 2010

Coming to a close......

Now as I come to a close of another term and my second paper written here at Kaplan, I am still very nervous. I think that because I have it in my head that I may not be such a great writer as others, I kind of put a block on just how good mine could actually be. I have followed the guidelines, taken all the suggested changes and pushed to create a nice piece of work and pray that it attracts my readers the way I hope. I really enjoyed my topic, and would also like to do a paper on Pregnancy and Incompetent an Cervix. I think it is another interesting topic for me to engage in as with a lot of my own chosen topics, due to my personal experience. Those topics produce more out of me because of the knowledge already and interest in further learning. This writing class has been one of the best thus far I have been through. I don't know if I was just afraid to look beyond the normal for me and just know that I can write instead of being afraid to. I have to thank my professor for majority of it, because even if she felt me being a little shy, her teachings truly were a blessing.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Through it all.....

Being that I have never been a great writer, I really felt through this course I have gotton much better. Research and ideas were never the problem for me, but putting it all together has. I have really enjoyed learning more about infertility and through the help of my professor and classmates, their comments, ideas, and cirtisim has been a aid in my project. I really liked recieving postings on my blog it was always nice to look here at view my peer and professor's thoughts. Overall blogging has been fun for me and I think that it can be a great way to get away with extra spare time. I will most definitley continue to blog when I have the time.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Reviews from my Peers

I remember there was a time when I never imagined another student reading and commenting my papers. It was not as if I was uneasy at them doing so, I really just always kept writing Private being that I always felt I wasn't there best with it. I have had many experiences since them with peer review and I must admit it has helped me out more than anything. I see peer review now as a means to open ideas from the other end so I kinda call it ;-) When writing this terms paper, I had plenty of "Ah Ha" moments, though the most memorable one was mainly from my own experience with infertility where I could immediately think of interesting points to add. The most shocking information that I found out through my research was actually the statistics and the actual percentile of people that actually are successful with treatment. That to me really just gave me more hope for all couples such as my own family members now dealing with infertility.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

6 weeks in........

The past 6 weeks have been a bit overwhelming for me. I have alot going on with family, school and work. When creating my outline in order to start my rough draft, I noticed honestly that I truly wanted to do a different topic. Orginally I was drawn to breast cancer in which I kept writing very broadly on the subject. When I was able to do to Infertilty Treatments which narrowed my subject giving me a better chance to a great paper. So in doing that so suddenly I knew that it could possibly effect me but I rather do something that I will be able to handle better with getting my points across also due to personal experience. I do feel as though in choosing such a topic as Infertiliry and the treatments available has truly opened up a door to be a very good piece of writing for me.