Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Creative Ways.....

I am such a creative person when it comes to putting things in order and making them work! I love to write, but I must say it hasn't always come easy for me. I use free writing and brainstorming for all my initial thoughts. When I do so, I am able to organize much better and the flow sounds more appropriate and focused. I really don't see many academic challenges so far, other than during many first term I did learn how to schedule my time wisely so that I could make sure to stay on track. School has been a positive and healthy change for me. I am driven to do the best I can and to excel beyond even what I dreamed of, for myself but more importantly for daughter. I have attended college prior to Kaplan, but never have I been more focused and happy in school till now. I look forward to the ending reward which is the satisfaction to know I accomplished something that no one can ever take away(EDUCATION) ;-)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Plagiarism.......The Way I See It!!!!

Plagiarism in my own words is when someone uses an other's work and or words while receiving credit for its original creator. To me integrity is deep and crucial. I would expect for a person to give me credit for something I did rather than just use my information for their own gratitude. There are some who feel that if not being caught is well and good, when in reality how can you turn in something that you know wasn't your ideas? especially without giving a thanks basically for helping create your paper and or project. While searching the web I came across one the many different cases of plagiarism. It was a story of a high school student who had copied and pasted his entire paper from various Internet sites. In return he failed the class receiving a zero and he had to take a special course of some type as other punishment. I feel that was a prop erjudgement for the crime, though many still plagiarise and never get caught. I think that it will always be on an issue, that can be easily corrected by citing all information. I do think that the Internet blurs the lines of "legally owned", due to the fact that you'd think would think that Internet isn't owned when clearly the sites such as YouTube, and or Wikipedia has some ownership it seems. Not truly sure but something to definitely research.

Monday, May 3, 2010


I love the Internet, and if I could be on it everyday all day I most definitely would ;-) When I learned a couple of years ago about being able to attend classes on online, I was ecstatic!!!!!I have a best friend who is attending as well and she agreed ed that Kaplan was the place to be. Being the go-getter that I am jumped in and took my desire for my education and let it lead the way. I enrolled in the University and am very happy with the choice I made. I feel that the experience that I have had thus far with how the curriculum is set, the teachers and their tremendous help and to the students who always make learning fun with the ideas they share and morale boosting. All of these extras when attending college has truly made Kaplan the best college I attended. I'm not sure if it is because we have the comfort to learn from distance, or the choice of what days we want to take classes, the non physical presence, or just the pure drive of love I have for my child and family pushing this, whatever it is, I am enjoying the experience.

I wish at times I were able to actually smile at one of my classmates in front of them rather than a smiley on a screen, or even ask my professor a question verbally. My boyfriend is also a student finishing his last year at Alabama State University, and there are times where he'll talk with me about projects that him and his classmates are going to be working on and meeting up to put together and I will want to do the same and can't. I think that seeing how the community is online and we as students and professors are all over the place it would be hard to bring us together in that way. I am not too sure just what could make the learning environment feel more close, other than to be able to see each other directly.

I love the online enjoyment and now that I have started to blog, I really enjoy writing a lot more, it's starting to loosen me up, which could be great for my coming paper ;-)